Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Run

I was supposed to run yesterday but life got in the way. So I decided to make it up this morning. Let me tell you when my alarm went off at 6:45am I was not happy (I am NOT a morning person). Yet I told myself I absolutely had to since I did not go yesterday.

I ran 4 miles. I got another personal record at 38:25. It's so fun competing against myself. I like seeing my improvement. Some days I can't believe I signed up for a half marathon. Other days I'm like "Yeah I've GOT This". 

Earned some more badges
Today I had to battle with my sunglasses fogging up from the humidity and the sweat I was putting off. My husband says I should try some stuff he uses for his glasses when he wears them under ski goggles for skiing. So I'm going to try that tonight and let you all know if it works. I was getting very frustrated not being able to see well. Luckily my run was mostly under the shade of trees so I was able to take them off for most of the run.

I'm going to see how I feel tonight but I may go to Zumba. I don't want to overdo it but I LOVE Zumba. So we will see. Plus tomorrow is my rest day so it will be nice to recover.

Well I hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday!

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