Thursday, September 5, 2013

10K Week

I remember when I signed up for my fist 10K. The race was in June of this year. Six miles seemed like a crazy distance to me. I had just conquered running a 5K without stopping or walking in March of this year. Since then I have come a long way.

Now I am training for my first half marathon. I would never have guessed I'd be doing this. Yet I have conquered getting over the "I Can't" in my head. Now I just hear "You've Got This!" I Love this new cheerleader voice in my head. She is motivating and strong. I know with her by my side I will conquer 13.1 miles!

I'm in my sixth week of training and the shortest distance I do now is 6 miles (I add the .2 to make it a 10K). I can't believe how much I run now. So far I have ran 116 miles for my training. That is CRAZY!

To add to my training I have signed up for a couple of virtual races to keep it fun. Right now I'm currently working on my five medals for the Princess Challenge Virtual Race Series II . I've been making all the races 10Ks.

On Tuesday I completed my Mulan 10K. I did my run after work. It was a beautiful day. I felt pretty good. For once my left foot was not giving me as much trouble. It got a tiny bit numb but not enough to have to stop and keep adjusting my sock and shoe. I tried new thinner socks and started using a foam roller which I think are helping. I also took an Epson Salt bath on Monday after my 9 miler from Sunday.
Mulan 10K
 On Wednesday I completed my Tiana 10K. I felt great and did it in under an hour. My left foot was a little numb but again was not too bad. I think I'm going to do another Epson Salt bath later today to help with some leg soreness I'm experiencing right now.
Tiana 10K
I run another 10K on Friday and then I do 10 miles on Sunday. I'm excited and nervous for the 10 miler. I will be running it with a friend. I normally run solo. Luckily she told me her pace was between 10-ll minute/mile. So I think I will be able to hang with her. She has done lots of half marathons and even two full marathons. It should be interesting. Not to mention we will be running on Cape Cod, MA. I'm thinking it is going to be a beautiful run! I think I will save my Little Mermaid Virtual for that run.

Stay Tuned!


  1. Thanks! I'm excited for the change of scenery. Part of the reason I wanted to take up running is because you can do it anywhere :)


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